American Plumber Stories: Season 4 Trailer

For three seasons, American Plumber Series, created by Pfister® Faucets, has traveled the country to bring stories of plumbers who have followed their dreams and sometimes taken the road less traveled along the way. These stories have inspired, educated and entertained those who want to follow their own path to success as a plumber, whether as an owner or employee. In Season 4, American Plumber Stories travels to small towns like Newberry, South Carolina (population 10,500) to the Big Apple in New York City, with a stop to Las Vegas in between. A distinct difference in Season 4 is the “solution-based approach” to becoming a plumber with an emphasis on recruiting and retaining the next generation. Previous seasons outlined the problem – finding people interested in the trade and how to make it happen. Season 4 focuses on the next generation and sharing stories of young plumbers who found the solution they were looking for; creating the career and lifestyle of a lifetime.


  • Alice Gregor

    I want to place an order but I have a new phone number, and I want to pay with a personal check. HOW. AG

  • Bryan Caine

    I have a great story to share with the world

  • Mike Newberry

    I started going to work with my father 10 years old on weekends. My father started plumbing business in 1968 I followed his shoes, retired now still running business part time and made a good living, no college education.
    The plumbing and heating industry has changed so much thru the years we need the younger generation to learn the trade and they can make all they want the repairs
    Are always going to be there.

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