Wayne Gray: American Plumber Stories

Read his American Plumber story!

Wayne Gray

How did you get started in the plumbing trade?

I started Plumbing in 2012-2013 after getting home from basic training and trying a few jobs around Baton Rouge working with Pipe fitters in the plants and doing private security work but none of those jobs really CAPTURED my attention like new construction Plumbing. I am very proud of my career choices and now work in the office 10 years later.

What do you like most about your work as a plumber?

What do I enjoy most about Plumbing? I think it would be easier to answer what I DON'T love about plumbing but I will do my best. Everyday is a challenge. I enjoy on the job training and learning, as well as working with my hands and tools. Different jobs and different positions bring new and exciting challenges. My job is not repetitive and boring, it is exciting and challenging. It provides you with the opportunity to prove yourself and outwork others if you want to make a name for yourself. I love Plumbing and wish we could get the younger people involved. They just need to be made aware of the trade and the opportunities that are associated with it.

What advice do you have for the younger generation entering the plumbing trade? 

Come to work. Do your best. Outwork everyone else and be provided with the opportunity to be successful and leave your mark on this world. Trade work is the way of the future

1 comment

  • Wayne Gray Sr.

    I am so very proud of you Son, I took you under my wing as a pipefitter in the plant work. I am glad you chose to be a plumber instead, work hard stay focused and you will achieve great things in life. I love You Son !!!

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